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Sunday's Top News: How Harry Reid Put the Reform Back Into Health Reform

domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2009

Today's Top Stories

How Harry Reid Put the Reform Back Into Health Reform


The preliminary analysis suggests that the new bill would actually be more effective than the previous version in reining in health care costs in the long term.

The World's Fastest Man Carries a Nation In His Wake


The world's fastest man tests the limits of human performance and carries a nation in his wake

Agent Orange Continues to Poison New Generations in Vietnam


After years of meetings, signings and photo ops, the U.S. held another ceremony in Vietnam on Wednesday to sign yet another memorandum of understanding as part of the continuing effort to manage Agent Orange's dark legacy

Climate Compromise Leaves a Bitter Aftertaste


The Goldman Controversy: Memories of Elián González


The actions of the Brazilian court remind TIME's Miami correspondent of American manipulations of the legal system amid an earlier international child custody case

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By Karen Tumulty

Given the drama and suspense of the past few weeks, it's understandable that the first round of commentary about the new Senate health bill would focus on the deals that Majority Leader Harry Reid had to make to bring aboard all 60 of the votes that he will need to beat a Republican filibuster. Senate [...]

Special Package

Person of the Year: Ben Bernanke

The story of the year was a weak economy that could have been much, much weaker. Thank the man who runs the Federal Reserve, our mild-mannered economic overlord

Quotes of the Day

"This bill is a legislative train wreck of historic proportions."
Senate Republican leader of Kentucky, on the health care bill that Democrats can now pass after securing a 60th vote from Sen. Ben Nelson Saturday

Postcard from...

Camano Island

America's Most Wanted Teenage Bandit

By Tim McGirk / Camano Island

A teenage bandit accused of stealing planes and speedboats has become a legend in the Pacific Northwest. The chase is on for the artful dodger

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Brittany Murphy Dies

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  Sunday, Dec. 20, 2009
  Confirmed: Brittany Murphy dies
Sources confirm that actress Brittany Murphy died Sunday morning. She was 32.

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