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If You Tweet, He Will Come: Mayor Cory Booker Shovels Snow for a NJ Resident

lunes, 4 de enero de 2010


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vía Mashable! de Brenna Ehrlich el 4/01/10

As the snow piled up on New Year's Eve, Jersey resident Ravie Rave didn't call a snow plow service to take care of her 65-year-old father's walk — she tweeted at Newark Mayor Cory Booker.

Booker, who has more than a million Twitter followers, is a regular man-about-town when it comes to the microblogging service (remember that whole thing with Conan?), but this level of responsiveness is extreme, even for the sometimes to-good-to-be-true politician.

After Rave (a.k.a. @BigSixxRaven), a local radio show host, sent out her digital plea, Booker responded five minutes later:

And followed up this assertion with:

And sure enough, the mayor delivered on his promise, as you can see from Rave's tweet below:

Let's see a show of hands: Who else wants a party mayor who also shovels snow in office? Yeah, I really can't raise my hand any higher…

[via CNN]

Tags: Political, social media, twitter


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